Invest in your future

Invest in your future
          Today, investors sacrifice and spenders enjoy. Tomorrow, investors enjoy and spenders keep working. If you buy a house on credit today, you may have to work two jobs to make the installment payments now but you may own the house without debt within definite date, 5 years or a little more for example. If you give up TV night, you can take an evening course and in four years or less you will earn a college degree. If you start training today, you may be sore tomorrow and earn a black belt in four years. Invest in yourself.

          Most wealthy people save between 15% and 20% of their income. Invest in fields in which you have a specialized knowledge. If you sell cars, invest in the auto industry. Time is money and even your life. There is a time value to money, so the earlier you start investing the better. Invest in things that appreciate rather than spend on things that depreciate. Secure your own retirement.

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