Coconut Benefit

The coconut is known as a 'wonder-food'. It is a near perfect diet, as it contains almost all the essential nutrients needed by the human body. It is also considered a sacred fruit and holds a very high place in all religious ceremonies.
The coconut is 20 to 30 cm. long, somewhat three-sided. The outermost part of the fruit is green and shining when tender. It becomes rough and matty after its maturity. It is almost entirely water-proof and very hard. Beneath this is a thick layer of stout fibres, the layer being at times over 25 mm. in thickness. Then follows a hard, stonelike layer, about 6 mm. thick. The inside of this stony layer is lined with a fairly thick coating of soft, milky-white flesh. The cavity inside the flesh is filled with a watery fluid. It grows on a tall stately, unbranched tree, with a terminal crown of leaves, growing to a height of 20 te 30 m.

- Description
- Origin and Distribution
- Food Value
- Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
- Intestinal Worms
- Acidity
- Digestive System Disorder
- Dry Cough
- Cholera
- Urinary Disorders
- Bilious Fever
- Ascites
- Skin Disorders
- Uses

Origin and Distribution
Coconut is believed to haw originated in the Indo-Malaya region and to the south west of New Guinea. It was taken to the mainland of Asia in prehistoric times. There is evidence that the coconut was grown in India about 3,000 years ago. The Vedas describe coconut tree as Kalpa- VrikslJa or the tree of heaven. According to Hindu mythology when Lord Vishnu, the God protector of universe, came 10 this earth, he brought with him the Karpagavalli or the coconut tree which means giver of all health, energy, strength, tranquillity, longevity and peace. Coconut is held in very high esteem in all religious ceremonies. It is offered as a token of devotion while celebrating pooja in temples of various deities,
Coconut reached East Africa, and possibly Panama before 1492. Thereafter, it gradually spread to all the tropical areas of the world. It is now widely cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, the East Indies, the West Indies, and the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Coconut tree grows abundantly along the entire coast of the sea and it thrives well in loose sandy soil. Its age varies from 80 to 200 years.

Food Value
    The coconut is highly nourishing, strengthening and fattening food article. The coconut has a high oil content which is easily digestible. It is more easily utilised by the body than-all other fats. This oil closely resembles the butter in physical and chemical properties. The protein content of coconut is of high quality, containing all the amino-acids. It is also rich in potassium, sodium, magnesium and sulphur. The energy value of the dried coconut is very high, being 662 calories per 100 grams.
Food Value
Mineral and Vitamins
10 mg
240 mg
1.7 mg
Vitamin C
1 mg
Small amount of
   Vitamin B Complex


Free Coconut’s Calorific Value - 444

Free Coconut’s Calorific Value - 662
 *Value per 100 gms edible portion

Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
The coconut is nourishing, strengthening and fattening dietary. It is used in all stages of maturity. As a food, it is most valuable before it matures. Its jelly-like tender kernel contains various enzymes and is easily digestible. Ripe kernel is rich in fat and carbohydrates. It does not have high protein like other nuts and can be taken with vegetable salads and cooked green vegetables. It is, however, difficult to digest with starches. The milk of fresh coconut forms a valuable food for children suffering from nutritional deficiency. It has a greater vitamin A content than the coconut itself. It has adequate natural minerals and a high quality protein which are valuable for growth and repair of the body.
The water 01 the tender green coconut, generally known as mineral water, is used as a beverage and a refreshing drink. A tender coconut, which is fully grown and only one month old, contains about 400 to 465 C.c. of water. It contains sufficient sugar in all easily assimilable form. It is an excellent tonic for health. The water of a single coconut contains sufficient vitamin C to meet the daily requirements of the body. It also contains several vitamins in the B group. These are niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, folic acid and thiamin as well as pyridoxin in traces. The water also contains sodium, potassium,
calcium, magnesium. iron, copper. phosphorus. sulphur and chlorine.

Intestinal Worms
The coconut is an ancient and very effective remedy for intestinal worms of all kinds. A tablespoonful of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by a dose of castor oil after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.

The mature dried coconut is valuable in the treatment of acidity. Its oil reduces the acid secretion of the stomach and gives much relief to the patient.

Digestive System Disorder
    Tender kernel of coconut is highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive system disorders. It is valuable in diseases like indigestion, colitis, gastric ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery and piles. The tender coconut water is also an excellent remedy for flatulence, vomiting and dyspepsia. In vomiting, it is food medicine of great value when other methods of allaying it have failed.

Dry Cough
Coconut milk, mixed with a tablespoonful of poppy seeds, milk and pure honey one tablespoonful, taken every night before going to bed, is an effective food remedy for dry cough due to throat irritation or due to excessive smoking.

Tender coconut water is very useful in cholera. Eight to 12 ounces of this water mixed with a teaspoonful of fresh lime juice should be administered orally to the patient. It rectifies the electrolyte balance and neutralises the acidosis of the blood. Coconut water is a known source of potassium-rich fluid, and since cholera patients can almost invariably take oral fluids following initial correction of shock and acidosis, the experts suggest intake of coconut water is a must for cholera patients.

Urinary Disorders
The coconut water is valuable in urinary disorders. It acts as a natural diuretic in heart, liver and kidney disorders such as scanty and suppressed urination, albuminuria that in presence of protein in urine, dropsy and high acidity of urine.
Bilious Disorders
Coconut water is highly beneficial in the treatment of bilious fever. It should be given frequently in small doses. Water should, however, not be taken immediately after taking coconut water. It may be taken after some time, if necessary.

It is a disease which causes swelling in the stomach due to fluid accumulation. Coconut water is valuable in ascites. The patient should be given two or three glassful of coconut water to drink. This quantity may be increased or decreased according to the condition and the needs of the patient.

Skin Disorders
    The oil extracted from the flesh of the ripe nut is an effective dressing for burns and scalds. It is of great value in the preparation of ointments as it penetrates the skin readily. The tar-like fluid obtained .from the red, hot shell of a ripe nut is a rubifacienl which causes reddening and warming of the skin. It is a household remedy for ringworm, itch and other skin diseases.

   The coconut is widely used in the preparation of many products. The oil is the most important of these products. It is used in cooking and made into coco jam, coco butter, margarine, vegetable butter and salad oil. The oil is a hair-restorer and is used as a hair oil in all parts of the country. Dried coconut is used in cooking and in various preparations of sweets and curries. The milk from a dried coconut is a fine medium of cooking in place of ghee or oil.

1 comment:

  1. Coconut water is naturally fat-free and low in calories. It is chock full of electrolytes, calcium, potassium and it is best drink for summer time.

    Stage 4 colon cancer


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